CCT2009 Learning Center

CCT2009 CT Learning Center

- CT is Our Best Friend ! -

Dates: Jan. 29, 2009 - Jan. 31, 2009

Venue: Kobe International Exhibition Hall, 1F "CT Learning Center Booth"


Course Details:

Cardiac CT image has much helpful information for PCI. However, when you analyze CT data using workstations by yourself, you will find how difficult it is to read from such information in many cases.
This lecture aims how to use effectively cardiac CT image by operators, which contains basic and advanced courses. By Slab MIP method, you can analyze actual case data by yourself. And also, if you bring your own case data, you can analyze it using the sub analyze software mentioned above with us.
Lecture enrollment will be 16 doctors in each session. Registration will be closed after reaching the fixed number.
Please join us!


  1. Basic of Slab MIP method using ZIO software
  2. Screening of coronary artery using Slab MIP method
    Longitudinal and cross sectional image
    Anatomy of coronary
  3. Case analysis (with using Slab MIP method)
    Plaque distribution
    Plaque character
    Calcium distribution
    In stent lumen
    Chronic total occlusion lesion

Course Director:

Satoru Sumitsuji, MD (Osaka University/ Nozaki, Nagoya and Ogaki Tokushukai Hospital)

Co-course Director:

Keita Yamasaki, MD (Osaka University)
Masaaki Okutsu, MD (Nozaki Tokushukai Hospital)

Main work station:

ZIO soft

Sub analyze software:

ZIO, GE Medical, Philips, Siemens + TeraRecon, AZE

If you will bring reconstructed case CT data as DICOM (300-400 axial DICOM data set). You will be able to analyze it by above workstations with us using Slab MIP method. Also you can ask all kind of questions to CT company person and will get certain answers from them.


Dates Time Language Lecturer
Jan. 29 A 11:00 - 12:00 Japanese Keita Yamasaki
B 14:00 - 15:00 Japanese Masaaki Okutsu
C 16:00 - 17:00 English Keita Yamasaki
Jan. 30 D 11:00 - 12:00 Japanese Masaaki Okutsu
E 14:00 - 15:00 Japanese Keita Yamasaki
F 16:00 - 17:00 English Masaaki Okutsu
Jan. 31 G 11:00 - 12:00 Japanese Keita Yamasaki
H 14:00 - 15:00 Japanese Masaaki Okutsu


Pre-registration is now closed.

These sessions require pre-registration, however registration immediately prior to commencement may be undertaken given the availability of seating.


CCT Secretariat
Tower Residence Annex 2-E, 1-1-5 Maedaminami-machi, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0851, JAPAN
Tel +81-532-57-1275 / Fax +81-532-52-2883 / E-mail