getMessage(); $db->getDebugInfo(); die("connect error"); } //区分 $kubun_cond = null; $kubun_array = null; if ($_REQUEST['kbn'] == "" || $_REQUEST['kbn'] == null) { $kbn = "cap"; } else if ($_REQUEST['kbn'] == "cap") { $kbn = "cap"; } else if ($_REQUEST['kbn'] == "e") { $kbn = "e"; } else if ($_REQUEST['kbn'] == "p") { $kbn = "p"; } else if ($_REQUEST['kbn'] == "s") { $kbn = "s"; } else if ($_REQUEST['kbn'] == "cm") { $kbn = "cm"; } else { $kbn = "cap"; } $o_smarty->assign("kbn",$kbn); $kubun_cond = array( "cap"=>"(kubun = 'Coronary' or kubun = 'Peripheral')", "e"=>"(kubun = 'Electrophysiology')", "p"=>"(kubun = 'Peripheral')", "s"=>"(kubun = 'Surgical')", "cm"=>"(kubun = 'Co-medical')", ); //タイトル横に表示する用 $kubun_p = array( "cap"=>"Coronary and Peripheral", "e"=>"Electrophysiology", "p"=>"Peripheral", "s"=>"Surgical", "cm"=>"Co-medical", ); $o_smarty->assign("kubun_p",$kubun_p); //セッション名を日本語か英語か判定 if ($kbn == "s" || $kbn == "cm") { $session_mei__name = 'session_mei_j'; } else { $session_mei__name = 'session_mei'; } $cond_sql = " and s_day_p = ? and " .$kubun_cond[$_REQUEST['kbn']]; $room_mei_array = array( "kh2_mai_t"=>"Room 1", "kh2_mas_t"=>"Room 2", "kh2_pro"=>"Promotion Bureau", "kh2_2"=>"Room 3", "kh2_3"=>"Room 4", "kh1_ha"=>"Room 5", "kh1_pci_hoc_a"=>"PCI Hands-on Center A", "kh1_pci_hoc_b"=>"PCI Hands-on Center B", "kh1_hb"=>"Room 6", "exh_ct_lc"=>"CT Learning Center", "exh_ivus_1_lc"=>"IVUS Learning Center 1", "exh_ivus_2_lc"=>"IVUS Learning Center 2", "exh_oct_lc"=>"OCT Learning Center", "exh_exha"=>"Exhibit Hall Booth A", "exh_exhb"=>"Exhibit Hall Booth B", "exh_exhc"=>"Exhibit Hall Booth C", "exh_exhd"=>"Exhibit Hall Booth D", "exh_exhe"=>"Exhibit Hall Booth E", "exh_exhf"=>"Exhibit Hall Booth F", "kicc_1mh"=>"Room 7", "kicc_3icr"=>"Room 8", "ph_r9"=>"Room 9", "ph_r10"=>"Room 10", "ph_r11"=>"Room 11", "ph_r12"=>"Room 12", "ph_r13"=>"Room 13", "ph_r14"=>"Room 14", ); $o_smarty->assign("room_mei_array",$room_mei_array); foreach ($room_mei_array as $rm_key=>$rm_val) { //取得 $sql = "SELECT psn,s_day_p,s_time_p,e_time_p,shurui,session_mei,session_mei_j,room_mei,chirashi_filename from program where room_mei = ?"; $sql .= " and (yakuwari <> 'Director at Theater' and yakuwari <> 'Director at Transmission Site' and yakuwari <> '裏座長')"; $sql .= $cond_sql; if ($rm_key == 'kh2_han_c') { // $sql .= " and psn in (1001,1002,998,1003,1004,999,1005,1006,1000)"; } elseif ($rm_key == 'kh2_han_c2') { //$sql .= " and psn in (990,991,994,995,996,997,992,993)"; } $sql .= " group by psn,s_day_p,s_time_p,e_time_p,shurui,session_mei,session_mei_j,room_mei,chirashi_filename order by s_day_p,s_time_p,e_time_p;"; /* //一覧を取得 $sql = "SELECT psn,s_day_p,s_time_p,e_time_p,session_mei from program where room_mei = 'Main Theater' group by psn,s_day_p,s_time_p,e_time_p,session_mei order by s_day_p,s_time_p,e_time_p;"; */ $result = $db->getAll($sql,array($rm_val,$_REQUEST['d']),DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (DB::isError($result)) { echo $result->getMessage() . "
"; echo $result->getDebugInfo(); die("
"); } $program_data[$rm_key] = $result; //ループ処理用 $program_seq_num = 0; //総セッション数 $total_session_num[$rm_key] = count($program_data[$rm_key]); //echo $total_session_num[$rm_key] . "
"; foreach($program_data[$rm_key] as $key=>$val) { //TRI暫定対応 if ($dummy != "dummy") { //調整 //Coronary if ($val['psn'] =="1388") { $val['e_time_p'] = "19:00"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1614") { $val['s_time_p'] = "19:00"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1437") { $val['e_time_p'] = "10:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1639") { $val['e_time_p'] = "10:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1640") { $val['e_time_p'] = "10:45"; } /* //Electro if ($val['psn'] =="1146") { $val['e_time_p'] = "09:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1147") { $val['s_time_p'] = "09:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1148") { $val['e_time_p'] = "12:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1150") { $val['s_time_p'] = "14:45"; $val['e_time_p'] = "15:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1151") { $val['s_time_p'] = "15:45"; $val['e_time_p'] = "16:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1152") { $val['s_time_p'] = "16:45"; $val['e_time_p'] = "17:45"; } //Co-medical if ($val['psn'] =="1196") { $val['s_time_p'] = "09:45"; $val['e_time_p'] = "11:00"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1197") { $val['s_time_p'] = "11:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1199") { $val['e_time_p'] = "15:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1203") { $val['e_time_p'] = "09:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1204") { $val['s_time_p'] = "09:45"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1205") { $val['s_time_p'] = "10:45"; $val['e_time_p'] = "11:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1206") { $val['e_time_p'] = "12:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1219") { $val['s_time_p'] = "12:15"; $val['e_time_p'] = "13:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1220") { $val['s_time_p'] = "13:15"; $val['e_time_p'] = "14:15"; } if ($val['psn'] =="1221") { $val['s_time_p'] = "14:15"; $val['e_time_p'] = "15:15"; } */ //時間ごとのID $data[0845]にする $time_key = null; $time_key = substr(str_replace(":","",$val['s_time_p']),0,4); $end_time_key = substr(str_replace(":","",$val['e_time_p']),0,4); //$quarter_check = 0; /* if (substr($time_key,2,2) > 45) { $time_key = substr($time_key,2,2) . "45"; } if (substr($end_time_key,2,2) > 45) { $val['e_time_p'] = substr($val['e_time_p'],0,2) . "45"; } */ $val['session_quarters_num'] = floor((strtotime($val['e_time_p']) - strtotime($val['s_time_p'])) / 60 / 15); //echo "\n"; //朝開始時間までの空白 $first_time_quarters = null; if ($program_seq_num == 0) { $first_session_start_time = $val['s_time_p']; if (strtotime($first_session_start_time) > strtotime("08:00")) { $first_time_quarters = (strtotime($first_session_start_time) - strtotime("08:00")) / 60 / 15; $morning_time_key = "0800"; $time_table_data[$rm_key][$morning_time_key]['session_quarters_num'] = $first_time_quarters; } } //次のセッションまでの空白がある場合 $quaters_temp = null; $this_session_start_time = $val['s_time_p']; if (strtotime($lastsession_endtime) < strtotime($val['s_time_p'])) { $quaters_temp = (strtotime($val['s_time_p']) - strtotime($lastsession_endtime)) / 60 / 15; $session_key_temp = substr(str_replace(":","",$lastsession_endtime),0,4); $time_table_data[$rm_key][$session_key_temp]['session_quarters_num'] = $quaters_temp; } //$data['psn']にする $time_table_data[$rm_key][$time_key] = $val; if ($first_time_quarters != null) { } $lastsession_endtime = $val['e_time_p']; $program_seq_num++; //最後のセッションの場合、22:00までの空白を作成 if ($program_seq_num = $total_session_num[$rm_key]) { $quaters_temp = (strtotime("22:00") - strtotime($lastsession_endtime)) / 60 / 15; $session_key_temp = substr(str_replace(":","",$lastsession_endtime),0,4); $time_table_data[$rm_key][$session_key_temp]['session_quarters_num'] = $quaters_temp; } } } if ($time_table_data[$rm_key] == null) { $time_table_data[$rm_key]['0800']['session_quarters_num'] = 56; } } $o_smarty->assign("program_data",$program_data); $o_smarty->assign("time_table_data",$time_table_data); //タイムテーブル行の繰り返し用データ(for smarty) $tla_base_data = strtotime("08:00"); for ($i=0;$i<56;$i++) { $timeline_temp_sec = $tla_base_data + ((15*60) * $i); $timeline_array[] = str_replace(":","",date("H:i",$timeline_temp_sec)); } $o_smarty->assign("timeline_array",$timeline_array); //stylesheet for ($i=1;$i<57;$i++) { $height = ($i-1)*21+13; $quarters_css .=<<<_CSS_ .quarter{$i} { width: 98px; height:{$height}px; margin:0px; padding:3px; font-size:10px; overflow: hidden; background-color:#FFFFFF; border-top:1px solid #d6d6d6; border-right:1px solid #a9a9a9; border-bottom:1px solid #a9a9a9; border-left:1px solid #d6d6d6; } .quarter{$i}_blank { width: 98px; height:{$height}px; margin:0px; padding:3px; font-size:10px; overflow: hidden; background-color:#FE9A82; /* border-top:1px solid #d6d6d6; border-right:1px solid #a9a9a9; border-bottom:1px solid #a9a9a9; border-left:1px solid #d6d6d6; */ border-top:1px solid #FE9A82; border-right:1px solid #FE9A82; border-bottom:1px solid #FE9A82; border-left:1px solid #FE9A82; } _CSS_; } $o_smarty->assign("quarters_css",$quarters_css); if ($_REQUEST['kbn']=="e") { $o_smarty->display("2009/program/at_a_glance_electro.tpl.html"); } else { $o_smarty->display("2009/program/at_a_glance.tpl.html"); } exit; ?>