Global Session
08:30 - 10:00

Middle-east Session

Room 11

Portopia Hotel

Moderator(s): Hany Ragy, Ibrahim Al Rashdan

Opening presenter(s): Khalid Tammam

Chair(s): Khalid Tammam

Commentator(s): Etsuo Tsuchikane, Satoru Sumitsuji


Lecture on
The old, the sick, the post failed PCI & failed CABG, a routine day in my practice :

Hany Ragy

Video Live Demonstration (8:45-9:35) by Khalid Tammam, Ibrahim Al Rashdan

Complex lesions in the box:8:45-9:35 (Dr. Tammam, Dr. Al Rashdan)Recorded cases from Kuwait

Ostial vs distal bifurcation in left main disease (Gulf experience) :

Ibrahim Al Rashdan

Left main single vs two stent strategy? :

Khalid Tammam

Closing presenter(s): Khalid Tammam

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