Coordinator: Masahisa Yamane

08:30 - 10:00

CTO Basic Course: Retrograde approach from ABC to Z -Part 1-: The Retrograde Forum

Room 5

Kobe International Exhibition Hall 1

Chair(s): Masahisa Yamane, Barry Rutherford, Satoru Sumitsuji, Gerald S. Werner


Lecture on
Fundamental techniques and rationale for CTO recanalization 2010 :

Barry Rutherford

Which collateral channels to select and how to cross :

Gerald S. Werner

How to apply IVUS and CT information in retrograde approach :

Satoru Sumitsuji

Principle and practical Tips in CART and Reverse CART technique :

Masahisa Yamane

Complications associated with retrograde approach :

Georgios Sianos

Application of Corsair in retrograde approach :

Nicolaus J. Reifart

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