Scientific Program
08:30 - 12:00

The Complications

Room 10

Kobe International Exhibition Hall 3

Chair(s): Shigeru Nakamura, Satoru Sumitsuji, Eric Eeckhout, Michael Kang-yin Lee


General and perforated complications
Complications of HIT and CTO

Lecture on
Aortic dissection caused by guiding catheter :

Tomoko Kobayashi

Could the effect of Argatroban be judged only by HIT case, management and the ACT values? :

Yoshiaki Mibiki

Stent deformation: Management and advice :

Takayuki Ogawa

Thrombus during contralateral injection in CTO :

Kensuke Yokoi (Osaka University)

A Case that IVUS penetrated through a vessel wall :

Masahiko Kumada

Collateral channel rupture of CTO-PCI :

Makoto Muto

Sequale of channel rupture, pericardial tamponade and dry tamponade :

Hsien-Li Kao

Perforation of rotablator :

Satoru Otsuji

A case of acute coronary syndrome and aortic dissection :

Atsushi Funatsu

Hemostatic technique for epicardia channel rupture of CTO :

Atsunori Okamura

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