Contents Session title Lecture Title Name Role Date Time Room
EVT Live Case Transmission EVT Live Case Transmission 1 Hiroyoshi Yokoi Chair 1 2013-10-17 08:30-10:30 Room 10
Luncheon Seminar New Generation of Cardiac Imaging: Current Status and Perspectives of Functional PCI in US and Japan Physiological PCI‐SPECTによる虚血診断とPCI戦略
Physiological PCI‐SPECTによる虚血診断とPCI戦略
Hiroyoshi Yokoi Lecturer 2 2013-10-17 12:30-13:30 Room 3
Luncheon Seminar Is your choice the best for your patient? Hiroyoshi Yokoi Chair 2013-10-18 12:30-13:30 Room 11
Case Competition 2013 Others Hiroyoshi Yokoi Judge 2013-10-18 14:00-16:20 Room 4
Morning Session Best and worst case in daily cath lab Hiroyoshi Yokoi Panelist 2013-10-19 07:30-09:30 Room 4
PCI Live Case Transmission PCI Live Case Transmission 9 Hiroyoshi Yokoi Commentator 2013-10-19 08:30-10:30 Coronary Theater
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