16:00 - 18:00
Bifurcation Club@CCT2013
Room 9
Kobe International Exhibition Hall 1
Chair(s): Yoshinobu Murasato, Yoshinobu Onuma
Lecture on
:IVUS guided optimal stenting in bifurcation
Yoshinobu Murasato
:The role of OCT in bifurcation PCI :
Takayuki Okamura
:Stent behavior in bifurcation :
Yutaka Hikichi
:Behavior of non-compliant balloon in kissing :
Yoshihisa Kinoshita
:BVS in bifurcation; How is the fate of jailed SB :
Yoshinobu Onuma
:FFR for ambiguous bifurcation lesion assessment :
Young-Hak Kim
:Dedicated stents for bifurcation stenting in India :
Sundeep Mishra
:Drug coated balloons in coronary bifurcation treatment :
Bruno Scheller