CCT Objectives

CCT is a live course that masters complex PCI and EVT and hands it down to the next generation.

We will explain the strategies from the beginning to the end.

You will gain a deep understanding of all techniques of CTO PCI including the Retrograde Technique.

You can learn strategies to prevent LMT, Bifurcation, Calcified Lesions and Endovascular diseases.

Japan is working towards reconstruction after the devastating earthquake that occurred in March 2011.

CIT2012JIM2012TCT2012APSICAsiaPCR/Singapore LiveTAVI SUMMIT 2012IPS & CTO 2013TCTAP2013euroPCR 2012ICI2012
CTO Club
CCT Administration Office
Tower Residence Annex 2-E, 1-1-5 Maedaminami-machi, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0851, JAPAN
Tel +81-532-57-1275 / Fax +81-532-52-2883 / E-mail