The selected cases have been announced!
Thanks to major interests in the BIC, a large number of cases were submitted. All of the cases were in excellent quality, and it was hard for judges to choose just 10 cases from them. The selected cases are interesting cases that made full use of imaging modalities. Please access the following webpage and take a look at the selected cases’ slides. (Member registration is required.)
We are pleased to announce that the "Best Intra-coronary imaging Competition (BIC)" will be held at CCT2015.
Intra-coronary imaging not only provides guidance for PCI, but also plays an important role for clarifying the pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease.
physicians are invited to submit IVUS, OCT and Endoscopic, etc., cases that proved to be clinically useful, unique, etc. that would be determined as "evidential images".
Outstanding 10 cases will be presented during CCT2015 and will be posted on the CCT2015 website. The best presenter among these will be invited to CCT2016 as a faculty member. I look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you all at CCT2015.
Saturday, April 18, 2015 - Tuesday, July 14, 2015
by 12:00(Japan Standard Time)
Submission is closed. Thank you for your active submission.
Abstracts submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted for any reason.
Please allow enough time to submit your abstract.
A case must have an evidential image got from examination of IVUS, OCT, Endoscope, ets., and it must be clinically useful and unique.
The results will be posted on CCT2015 website and notify by e-mail in early September.
The selected cases will be uploaded on CCT website's registered member's area for general viewing, and will be invited to make oral presentation at the venue during CCT2015. Please prepare other slides for oral presentation than the submitted one. The“BIC Best Case” will be selected from the presenters at the venue and the winner will receive an official commendation, a faculty invitation to CCT2016 and a supplementary prize.
Contact: CCT Administration Office(For BIC)