
Thank you for your continuous understanding and kind cooperation to CCT.

Last year, CCT has successfully finished with over 4,700 attendees from inside and outside Japan. We have broadcasted live demonstrations from 5 domestic and 1 overseas sites and operated 31 PCI and 10 EVT cases during CTO, EVT, TAVI and other lesion subset-themed live demonstrations. These cases have been reviewed mainly by hosting physicians in Special Program “CCT Live Playback Session” and been discussed with guest physicians and audiences. We are planning to hold this program also this year as Special Program from the perspective of examining one case carefully and thoroughly along with “Live Case Pre-discussion Session” in Morning Session.

Other than CTO, this year’s live demonstrations intend to broadcast the most challenging lesions such as LMT, Bifurcation and Calcification. The highlights of the live demonstrations at CCT are to show how to create a treatment strategy, how to tackle with an unexpected situation as an expert, and how to overcome the situation in order to obtain the best result against complex lesions. This is also a mission of CCT.

On the other hand, we are preparing to focus and adopt new treatments such as Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) that have been increased its number of cases in Japan, the return of Directional Coronary Atherectomy (DCA) which is expected to be realized within this year, new strategies for LMT branch, and so on. In addition, we will put an emphasis on imaging this year as well. These days, imaging modalities are essential elements since information gained from a variety of images will decide the right treatment strategy and generate the best result.

Furthermore, we have reinforced the members of Scientific Committee in order to create more efficient and rich contents in every theme. Please look forward to contents produced by each committee member from new perspective.

By sharing the current situation and the latest knowledge of cardiology, mainly of catheter interventions, we hope the meeting will offer a place for physicians who try to improve their skills every day to solve their issues and find new ones. We promise to provide opportunities for everyone attending CCT to learn from their own standpoint. In closing, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for all people involved and ask for your cooperation for the success of this meeting.

Keiichi Igarashi
Coronary Representative Course Director

CCT Administration Office
1-1-5-2E Maedaminami-machi, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0851, Japan
TEL:+81-532-57-1275, FAX:+81-532-52-2883, E-mail:, Website: