Call for Abstracts & Cases: Poster Session
< Accepted abstracts >

Accepted abstracts are listed below.

Please refer to your Abstract Submission Number for confirmation.

10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006
10007 10008 10009 10011 10012 10013 10014
10016 10017 10018 10019 10022 10023 10024
10025 10026 10028 10030 10031 10032 10033
10034 10035 10036 10037 10038 10039 10040
10041 10042 10043 10044 10045 10047 10049
10050 10053 10055 10056 10057 10058 10060
10061 10064 10065 10066 10067 10070 10071
10072 10073 10074 10075 10076 10079 10080
10082 10083 10085 10086 10088 10089 10091
10092 10093 10094 10095 10096 10097 10098
10099 10100 10101 10102      
< Exemplary Works >

Exemplary Works are listed below.

Please refer to your Abstract Submission Number for confirmation.

Presenters of exemplary works will be asked to give presentations at the Digital Poster Session, using PC.

10100 10102

Poster presenters are required to register for CCT2015.

Please make registration from the following page.


Presentation Schedule
Poster presentation

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)


We kindly ask all speakers at CCT2015 except for co-sponsored sessions to include a self-disclosure of the state of conflict of interest in your first slide or in the last page of your poster. The disclosure of the state of conflict should be made by downloading the disclosure template below and insert it in a prescribed position.

Please note that all speakers are required to make the disclosure regardless whether or not there is a state of conflict of interest. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Download the template here:

  1. Posting & Removal

    Location (Coronary): Poster booths I, II, III(Kobe International Exhibition Hall1 1F)

    Posting period: 8:00- 9:00
    Removal: 18:00-18:30

    • On the day of your presentation, please post and remove your posters during the periods shown above.
    • Presenters are requested to come to Poster Session Desk in front of poster booths and stand-by in front of the panel 10min. before the session begins.
    • Posters that are left on the panel after the removal time will be removed and kept at the CCT Secretariat during the Live Course.
    • Posters will be disposed after the Live Course.

  2. Allocated Time For Presentation

    Oral presentation 7 min. Q&A 3 min.
    *Please proceed your presentation under instruction of session chairs.
  3. Language

  4. Poster Posting
    • Size of panel: W90cm, H180cm
    • Poster numbers are prepared by the CCT Poster Session Desk.
    • Presenters are requested to prepare abstract title, institution, presenter's name, co-authors' institution and co-authors' name.
    • Push pins will be provided at the CCT Poster Session Desk.
Exemplary works (Digital Poster Session)

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)


We kindly ask all speakers at CCT2015 except for co-sponsored sessions to include a self-disclosure of the state of conflict of interest in your first slide or in the last page of your poster. The disclosure of the state of conflict should be made by downloading the disclosure template below and insert it in a prescribed position.

Please note that all speakers are required to make the disclosure regardless whether or not there is a state of conflict of interest. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Download the template here:

Presenters of exemplary works are requested to put up posters AND give digital poster presentation using PC on a stage. After digital poster presentation, awards will be given to the selected works in the following award ceremony.

  1. Registration for Digital Poster Session & Preview

    Registration: 15 min. before Session Start
    Location: Digital Poster Session Registration Booth
    (Exhibition, Kobe International Exhibition Hall 1F)
    Please complete a preview of your presentation materials at the Digital Poster Session Registration Desk.
  2. Allocated Time for presentation

    Presentation: 16:30-18:00
    Oral presentation 10 min. Q&A 5 min.
    *Please proceed your presentation as the direction of the chairs
  3. < NOTES >
    PC presentation

    • Prepare presentation materials with Power Point.
    • Bring your own PC. (Laptop (Win or Mac) with MiniDsub15pin plug)
    • Professional engineer will connect presenter's PC to data projector. No audio effect is available.
    • Presenters are requested to operate PC at the podium during the presentation.
  4. Language

  5. Poster posting

    Location(Coronary): Poster booths I, II, III (Kobe International Exhibition Hall1 1F)

    Posting period: 8:00-9:00
    Removal: 18:00-18:30

    Please refer to "Poster Presentation" section for details.
To chairs, head of Judges and Judges

[Poster Session]

  • Please finish registration at Poster Session Desk in front of the booths 10min. before the session begins and stand-by in front of the panel.
  • Chairs are requested to start sessions as scheduled.
  • It is essential that presentations do not run overtime. (Oral presentation 7 min. Q&A 3 min.)

[Digital Poster Session]

  • Please finish registration at Digital Poster Session Desk 10min. before the session begins, receive documents and stand-by at the seat prepared at the Digital Poster Session Booth.
  • Chairs are requested to start sessions as scheduled.
  • It is essential that presentations do not run overtime. (Oral presentation 10min. Q&A 5min.)
CCT Administration Office
1-1-5-2E Maedaminami-machi, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0851, Japan
TEL:+81-532-57-1275, FAX:+81-532-52-2883, E-mail:, Website: